The 3rd AEGIS Symposium on Cyber Security

2024 (Online)

The Annual rEading Group in Information Security (AEGIS) Symposium is an annual symposium held online by a group of researchers of Privacy and Security in Computer Science.

In 2023, the 2nd AEGIS Symposium hosted 12 talks given by a variety of security researchers in security, covering a wide range of topics with a highlight on LLM security. The 2024 symposium will be the 3rd symposium of the AEGIS symposia series.

As usual, the 3rd AEGIS Symposium will be delivered virtually in Zoom. For any additional questions, please contact the organization committee.

Important News:

We have finalized the presenters this year, featuring 12 talks in four sessions. The topics of the presentation will be finalized in mid June. Looking forward to see you in AEGIS 2024!

Upcoming Event:

Session 3: Network Security

Rethinking the Security Threats of Stale DNS Glue Records

Yunyi Zhang, Tsinghua University


  • Session 1: Machine Learning and Large Language Model
  • Session 2: Security Threat Analysis and Modelling
  • Session 3: Network Security
  • Session 4: Invited Keynotes from Database and Software Engineering


Shufan Zhang University of Waterloo
Xinyue Shen CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Xin Jin The Ohio State University
Zhuo Zhang Purdue University
Ling Zhang University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yichen Li Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yu Pan Utah University
Limin Wang Nanjing University
Yan Long University of Michigan
Qifan Zhang University of California, Irvine
Yunyi Zhang Tsinghua University
Linkai Zheng Tsinghua University

Organization Committee

Program Chair Yuqing Yang The Ohio State University
Program Co-Chair Xiang Li Tsinghua University